
Advanced Rotator Cuff Strengthening

By Tommy


Here are 4 advanced rotator cuff strengthening exercises that are more functional and get your movers and stabilisers working together through range.

When starting a new exercise it is always wise to start with light weight high reps. If you cannot do more than 10 reps grab a lighter weight if you can do more than 20 it is too light. Shoot for about 15 reps for each of these exercises.


Neutral Grip Side Lying Shoulder PressSLSP

Lying down on your side holding a dumbbell with your palm facing the ground press your arm up over your head. Keep your forearm parrellel to the ground. You want your hand to be as high or slightly higher than your elbow to the ground. 3 sets of 15 reps.




Prone Military PressPMP

Lying face down with your forehead resting on a towel grab two dumbbells. You may even want to start this one without any weight becasue it is already a challenging exercise. Lift the dumbbells off the ground and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Then press the weights up over your head without letting them touch the ground, bring your arms back down and squeeze your shoulder blades together again. That's 1 rep. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.




90 / 90 Shoulder External RotationER90

With your arm elevated to 90 degrees and your elbow bent at 90 degrees holding a thereband or pully rotate your hand backwords. Try not to let your upper arm move keep it strong and stationary.







90 / 90 Shoulder Internal RotationIR90

With your arm elevated to 90 degrees and your elbow bent at 90 degrees holding a thereband or pully rotate your hand forwords. Try not to let your upper arm move keep it strong and stationary.