Shoulder Physios in Newcastle

We offer specialised physiotherapy to provide pain relief and support for shoulder injuries.


Fitness Physiotherapy in Newcastle treat shoulder injuries with evidence based treatments for pain relief and return to sport and daily activities.  Evidence based treatments have been shown to be effective through clinical research, giving people a successful return to sport and life. shoulder pic    


Shoulder joint anatomy

The shoulder is a complex ball and socket joint, made up of the glenoid (socket) and humeral head (ball).   In between the two bones is cartilage.  The collar bone comes across the front to meet the shoulder blade.

Ligaments and a surrounding capsule hold the joint together, keeping the joint stable with the muscles and tendon which also provides the movement.


Common shoulder injuries


Shoulder Osteoarthritis


Osteoarthritis is the normal aging process in the shoulder.  This usually involves loss of joint cartilage.  Joint cartilage normally provides a protective layer over bone and reduces in height as we age.  Other structures such as ligaments, capsule and tendons as well bone shape can change over time.  Some of these changes can result in pain, but the extent of the injuries is not consistent with the degree of pain people experience.  Pain is also dependent psychosocial factors.

Recent research points to keeping active and exercise as being effective in reducing pain and disability in shoulder osteoarthritis.


Frozen Shoulder


Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis presents as a stiff and painful shoulder.  Signs and symptoms typically begin and worsen gradually with  pain and increasing stiffness of the shoulder in all directions.

The cause of the frozen shoulder is unknown but can be a result of a previous trauma or after surgery.

Treatment for frozen shoulder involves keeping active with encouragement of movement and strength through a graded rehabilitation exercise program.  Other options for treatment can include, cortisone injections, manipulation under anesthetic and capsular releases.

More research is needed for this injury to see what is the most effective treatment and if the surgical apporachs or cortisone is any better than a good rehabilitation program.

Frozen shoulder mostly resolve but can take up to 2 years for a full recovery.  


Shoulder Fractures


Fractures are breaks in bone and usually result from excessive compressive or rotational  trauma.  The management of these is very specific and dependent on the type of fracture,  location and if there are separate structures injured. 

Most cases will require a period of rest in a sling, cast or splint and all will benefit from a movement and strengthening program. 

The length of the rehabilitation and return to play will vary depending on the extent of the fracture, if there are other structures injured, psychosocial factors as well as a person's general health.

Outcomes are usually positive following fractures, as bones usually have good blood supply and heal up strong. 

We have experience in this area as we work closely with orthopaedic surgeons providing physio services for them at Lingard Hospital, managing fractures on a daily basis.


Rotator cuff tendon tears


The rotator cuff are made up of tendons that surround the shoulder joint to provide stability as well as provide movement by transferring the contractions of the muscles to the joint. 

Rotator cuff tendons can become torn resulting in pain with reduced strength and function.  It can be torn with sudden excessive or smaller repetitive forces where the tendon structure isn't strong enough to meet the demands of the muscle contractions.

Rotator cuff tendons respond very well to physiotherapy.  The time for recovery is dependent on the degree and location of the tear but can take up to 6 months.  It is important to get the right physiotherapy and rehab as no tears and people are the same.  Programs have to be individually tailored and progressed based on milestones achieved.

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